Often dubbed the "Last Frontier" of the Philippines, Palawan Island is a beacon of tropical paradise nestled amidst the azure waters of the Sulu and South China Seas. It's a haven of biodiversity, with lush forests, stunning coral reefs, and a captivating blend of local and indigenous cultures.


The island's cuisine offers an array of seafood like crabs, prawns, and lobsters freshly caught from its crystal-clear waters. Make sure you try Tamilok, a woodworm found in the mangroves that has become a must-try for visitors due to its unique, oyster-like taste.

Relish the rich, smoky flavors of the famous Chicken Inasal (grilled chicken), which is marinated in a mixture of lemongrass, calamansi, pepper, and vinegar before being grilled over hot coals. If you have a sweet tooth, indulge in the Minatamis na Saging (sweetened banana) delicacy, a dessert made with bananas cooked in a syrup of brown sugar and water.


Palawan is home to various indigenous groups like the Batak tribe, Palaw'an, and Tagbanwa, each with distinct customs, traditional music, and dances. 

The annual Baragatan festival, a month-long celebration of Palawan's founding anniversary, showcases vibrant street dances, agricultural fairs, and trade exhibits, symbolizing the unity and creativity of Palawenos.

Travel Tips

  1. Currency and Payment: The Philippine Peso (PHP) is the official currency. ATMs are available in major towns, but cash is usually preferred, especially in remote areas.
  2. Weather: Palawan has a tropical climate, and the weather is generally warm and humid. The best time to visit is from December to May, during the dry season.
  3. Transportation: Tricycles are a standard means of transport around towns. For longer distances, there are vans and buses. Boat tours are the leading way to explore the island's numerous inlets and lagoons.
  4. Etiquette: Respect local customs and traditions, especially when visiting indigenous communities. Always ask for permission before taking photos.

Interesting Facts

  • Palawan is home to one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River, a navigable underground river stretching over 8 kilometers.
  • Palawan's Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrated for its extraordinary variety of marine life.

Top Places

  1. El Nido: Known for its towering limestone cliffs, stunning lagoons, and pristine beaches, El Nido is a haven for adventurers. Take advantage of the Big Lagoon and Small Lagoon, which you can explore by kayak.

  1. Coron: Explore the enchanting Coron Bay with its sunken Japanese shipwrecks from WWII, which now serve as vibrant coral reefs. Maquinit Hot Springs and Kayangan Lake are also must-visits.
  2. Port Barton: If you're seeking a quieter alternative to El Nido, Port Barton is a relaxing place with its calm beaches and chill, laid-back vibe.

Your journey in Palawan, undoubtedly a captivating realm, promises a delightful mix of relaxation, adventure, and cultural learning. Explore its incredible landscapes, unravel the cultural threads, indulge in local delicacies, and immerse yourself in the charming environment of this last ecological frontier. Whether a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Palawan has something in store, leaving you with unforgettable memories of the Philippine archipelago.