1. Cambodian-Thai Border Area near Preah Vihear: The area around the Preah Vihear temple on the Cambodia-Thailand border has seen tensions and skirmishes in the past due to a territorial dispute. The situation has been generally calm in recent years, but it is still advisable for travelers to exercise caution and stay informed about the current situation before visiting this area.
  2. Poipet: Poipet, a town on the Cambodia-Thailand border, is known for its casinos and is a bustling border crossing. However, it has a reputation for scams, mainly targeting border travelers. It's also known for petty crime. It is recommended that travelers remain vigilant and be aware of common scams when in Poipet.
  3. Sihanoukville: While Sihanoukville is famous for its beaches and nearby islands, it has experienced a rapid development with a significant influx of foreign investment, mainly in the construction and casino sectors. This has led to an increase in crime rates, including theft and assault. Travelers should be cautious and avoid poorly lit areas, especially at night.
  4. Phnom Penh's Lakeside (Boeung Kak): This area in the capital city is popular among backpackers for its cheap accommodation. However, it is also known for drug dealing and related crimes. Tourists are advised to exercise caution and avoid engaging with suspicious individuals.
  5. Tonle Sap Lake: While a popular tourist destination, the area around Tonle Sap Lake has seen boat scams, where travelers are overcharged for boat tours. There have also been reports of pickpocketing and bag snatching. It is recommended to agree on prices beforehand and keep your belongings secure.

  1. Koh Rong & Koh Rong Sanloem: These beautiful islands are popular among tourists but have had incidents of theft, assault, and inadequate medical facilities. Travelers should a
  2. void walking alone at night and take necessary precautions regarding health and safety.
  3. Motorbike Rentals: Across Cambodia, tourists often rent motorbikes for travel. However, accidents are common due to poor road conditions, and there are scams related to motorbike rentals. It's essential to rent from reputable sources and ensure that you have appropriate travel insurance.
  4. Landmine Areas: In rural areas of Cambodia, especially near the Thai border, unexploded landmines from past conflicts remain dangerous. It is vital to stay within well-trodden paths and heed local advice in areas known for landmines.
  1. Street 136, Phnom Penh: This street is known for its nightlife but also has a reputation for pickpocketing, overcharging, and drug-related crimes. It's best to remain vigilant, avoid carrying valuables, and be cautious when consuming alcohol in this area.

  1. Skoun (Spider Village): While Skoun is famous for its fried spiders and other exotic snacks, it's also known for scams targeting tourists. Be cautious of being overcharged or misled about the prices of goods.

Remember that while these places have been highlighted for specific safety concerns, they are also part of what makes Cambodia culturally rich and exciting. Travelers can have a safe and enjoyable experience in Cambodia by staying informed and taking necessary precautions.