Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State in Nigeria, is a city with a blend of modernity and rich cultural heritage. With its roots dating back to the 16th century, Ibadan is the third-largest city in Nigeria by population. This guide takes you through the food, culture, travel tips, interesting facts, and top places of Ibadan City.


Ibadan offers a variety of mouth-watering local dishes and is a great place to savor traditional Yoruba cuisine.

Amala and Ewedu A popular dish in Ibadan, Amala is made from yam flour and is often served with Ewedu soup, made from jute leaves.

Ofada Rice is a locally produced rice served with a special sauce, usually a combination of green peppers, locust beans, and an assortment of meat.

Suya A popular street food, Suya consists of grilled meat skewers coated with a spicy peanut mixture.

Akara and Pap This is a typical breakfast dish in Ibadan, consisting of bean cakes (Akara) and cornmeal porridge (Pap).


Ibadan's culture is deeply rooted in the traditions of the Yoruba people.

Traditional Festivals Ibadan hosts several traditional festivals, including the Oke Ibadan festival, which celebrates the founding of the city, and the Egungun festival, a masquerade festival honoring the spirits of the ancestors.

Music and Dance Traditional Yoruba music and dance forms like Apala, Fuji, and Juju are popular. Modern forms of music, such as Afrobeat and hip-hop, are also widely enjoyed.

Art and Craft Ibadan is home to several galleries and craft markets where you can find traditional Yoruba art and crafts.

Travel Tips 

When visiting Ibadan, keep in mind the following travel tips:

Stay Safe While Ibadan is generally safe, it is advisable to be cautious, especially at night. Avoid carrying large sums of money and keep your belongings secure.

Local Transportation Taxis and motorbike taxis known as "Okada" are common means of transport. Always negotiate the fare beforehand.

Weather Ibadan has a tropical wet and dry climate. It's advisable to carry light clothing and an umbrella or raincoat handy, especially during the rainy season.

Interesting Facts

  1. Ibadan is one of the largest cities in West Africa.
  2. The city was a significant center of trade during the 19th century.
  3. Ibadan is home to the University of Ibadan, the first university in Nigeria.

Top Places 

When in Ibadan, make sure to visit these top places:

University of Ibadan As the oldest university in Nigeria, it's worth visiting for its rich history and beautiful campus.

Cocoa House This is one of the tallest buildings in Ibadan and was built from the proceeds of the cocoa trade in Nigeria. It's a symbol of Ibadan's economic history.

Agodi Gardens This is a beautiful park and garden space ideal for relaxation and family outings.

Dugbe Market One of Nigeria's oldest and largest markets, this is the perfect place to shop for souvenirs, traditional fabrics, and local crafts.

Mapo Hall An historical colonial-style hall located on Mapo Hill, the building is an architectural gem.

Bower's Tower, An observation tower on Oke-Are Hill, offers a fantastic panoramic view of Ibadan.

Ibadan is a city that offers a rich cultural experience, delicious local cuisine, and historical landmarks. Whether you are an adventurous traveler looking to explore the history and traditions of the Yoruba people, a food enthusiast eager to taste authentic Nigerian dishes, or just someone looking for a place to relax and soak in the culture, Ibadan is a destination that promises an enriching and unforgettable experience. From its lively markets to tranquil gardens, from its historical structures to contemporary facilities, Ibadan accommodates a diverse array of preferences and inclinations.