Casablanca, a bustling metropolis on Morocco's western coast, blends tradition and modernity. The city's rich history, architectural marvels, flavorful cuisine, and lively culture make it an essential destination.


Casablanca's food scene is as diverse as its culture, offering traditional Moroccan dishes and international cuisine.

Couscous An iconic Moroccan dish, couscous is made of small steamed balls of wheat, served with meat and vegetables.

Tajine is a slow-cooked stew made from meat, vegetables, and dried fruits, cooked in a clay pot of the same name.

Harira This traditional Moroccan soup is made with tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, and spices and is particularly popular during Ramadan.

Seafood As a coastal city, Casablanca boasts a vibrant seafood culture. Try calamari at the local markets or indulge in a seafood tajine.

Pastilla This savory pie blends sweet and salty flavors, typically made with chicken, almonds, and spices wrapped in thin pastry sheets.


Casablanca's culture is a blend of Moroccan tradition and modern influences.

Art Casablanca's art scene is growing with galleries and street art. The Villa des Arts is a famous art gallery showcasing Moroccan and international artists.

Music From traditional Andalusian and Gnawa music to modern pop and jazz, Casablanca has a vibrant music scene. The city hosts the annual Jazzablanca festival.

Architecture Casablanca is famous for its diversity, including traditional Moroccan, Art Deco, and modern styles.

Travel Tips

Currency The Moroccan Dirham is the currency used in Casablanca. Carrying some cash is wise, as not all places accept credit cards.

Arabic maintains its position as the official tongue, while French is also extensively spoken. English is not standard but is understood in tourist areas.

Climate Casablanca has a Mediterranean climate. Summers exhibit warmth and aridity, whereas mild temperatures and precipitation characterize winters. Lightweight clothing is suitable for summer, while a jacket is advisable for winter.

Transportation Taxis and trams are the primary means of transport. Use metered taxis or agree on a fare before starting your journey.

Interesting Facts

  1. Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and its economic hub.
  2. The movie "Casablanca," though named after the city, was filmed almost entirely in Hollywood.
  3. The Hassan II Mosque, situated in Casablanca, ranks among the largest mosques in the world and has the tallest minaret.
  4. Casablanca is a relatively modern city compared to other Moroccan cities, as it developed mainly in the 20th century.

Top Places

Hassan II Mosque A must-visit landmark, this mosque is one of the largest in the world and boasts intricate designs and a tall minaret.

Old Medina Visit Casablanca's Old Medina to experience the traditional Moroccan lifestyle, with its narrow alleys, markets, and historic buildings.

La Corniche This beachfront district offers cafes, restaurants, and clubs. The site is a favored destination for both residents and visitors alike.

Mahkama du Pacha This administrative building is a stunning example of Moorish architecture, with its detailed stucco and tile work.

Parc de la Ligue Arabe, The city's largest public park, is a great place to relax and stroll amidst palm trees and fountains.

Quartier Habous is Also known as the New Medina; this area combines traditional Moroccan architecture with modern facilities. It's a great place to shop for handicrafts and taste traditional Moroccan pastries.

Royal Palace of Casablanca Although not open to the public, the exterior of the Royal Palace is worth admiring for its grandeur and intricate architectural details.

Casablanca Cathedral (Cathédrale Sacré-Cœur) This former Roman Catholic Church, now a cultural center, is an architectural gem combining Mauresque and Art Deco styles.

Sky28 A high-end bar on the 28th floor of the Kenzi Tower Hotel. It's an ideal place to enjoy a drink while taking panoramic city views.

Casablanca, with its rich history, delectable cuisine, and multifaceted culture, offers an array of experiences for travelers. Whether you are a history buff, a food enthusiast, or looking for vibrant nightlife, Casablanca has something for everyone. Take the time to wander through the historic Old Medina, indulge in traditional Moroccan dishes, marvel at the majestic Hassan II Mosque, and soak in the city's energetic ambiance. Your adventure in Casablanca will surely be a memorable one.